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Shot's Before School, That's The Rule

Students attending or enrolling at NASS are required to provide documentation of immunization status, District Policy  ________ and be up to date on all required immunizations.  

As of September 1st, 2014, the State of Minnesota updated the minimum requirements for vaccinations for public and private school students. Here is a link that shows which immunizations your student will need prior to attendance: Are your Kids Ready for School?

ISD 2170 fully supports any parent/guardian who chooses to be a conscientious objector to any or all immunizations. In some cases, there may be a medical exemption to the student receiving immunizations. In either case, we still require documentation of that objection or exemption. Here is a link that provides the necessary form we must haveon file: Conscientious Objection/Medical Exemption.  Please take note that Section 2B on the second page addresses Conscientious Objection or Medical Exemption.

The Parent/Guardian must identify which immunizations they are objecting to. Place the name of the immunization(s) after the sentence that reads:

         "I certify by notarization that it is contrary to my conscientiously held beliefs for my child to receive the following vaccine(s):"      
         Then, sign in front of a notary, and return to the District Health Office.

A Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant must sign the Medical Exemption section. All students contracting Varicella (Chickenpox) after September 1, 2010 must provide a physician signed Medical Exemption for the Varicella vaccine.

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact theDistrict Nurse. Contact information is located on the Nurses Links page.

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